san jose, ca. 08.24.24
thankyou for coming!
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish to extend our deepest gratitude to each of you who joined us for the launch of Hotel Goodbyes. Your presence was not merely about attendance; it was about the warmth and spirit you brought, which illuminated the evening and made it profoundly special.
This event was not just a milestone for the book – it was a celebration of connections, of stories shared and new bonds formed. Seeing so many familiar faces and greeting new friends reminded us of why we embark on these creative journeys: to bring together a community that finds joy and meaning in sharing story.
The laughter, the applause, and even the hard emotional moments will be memories that I will cherish forever. We are humbled by your support and motivated by your passion, which affirm the path we have chosen and fuel our desire to continue creating and sharing.
stephen & penelope
Thank you once again for being there - not just physically, but with your whole hearts.

book reading & signing
Be among the first to hear excerpts from Hotel Goodbyes and get your copy signed by the author.
garden soiree
Enjoy an evening under the stars with delightful refreshments, music, and conversations in a beautiful garden setting.
community celebration
Reconnect with old friends and make new ones as we celebrate the power of community and shared experiences.
we look forward to seeing you there
Bringing together community and uniting friends, both old and new, is the essence of who we are. Come celebrate with us, and let’s weave these connections into the fabric of our shared story.
Stephen Thompson is a father, writer, speaker and technology executive focusing on finding the most unique, creative and elite talent and connecting them to a global community.
Are you excited about Stephen’s inspirational story and want to be a part of our upcoming events?
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